The LBCC Library's Collection Development Policy provides guidance for the selection, acquisition and maintenance of the general physical library collection and subcollections. Pursuant to the College’s commitment to excellence, the Library strives to build and maintain student-centered collections that provide well-rounded, multi-disciplined information from a broad spectrum of sources from diverse perspectives to support the academic curricula, research, information and life-long learning needs of students.
The Library general collection includes all books and audiovisual materials that are located in the main stacks areas.
The LBCC Library collection serves to:
Support course and program curricula;
Provide comprehensive coverage of subjects, disciplines and topics;
Promote and encourage recreational reading; and
Foster lifelong learning and intellectual growth.
The LBCC Library is committed to providing information resources and services that support the mission of the Long Beach City College:
The Library values lifelong learning and supports student success by providing equal access to information in electronic, print and non-print formats; offering quality instruction through workshops, orientations and library classes and; fostering relationships with departments and programs to create, curate and provide resources that address the multi-faceted needs of students with diverse learning styles. The Library is a safe place for students of all socioeconomic backgrounds, race, ethnicities, culture, language, and sexual orientations.
The LBCC Library follows a set of guiding policies and principles established by the following library professional organizations to aid in the collection development and selection of an inclusive and diverse collection.
Diverse Collections: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights
The LBCC Library fully complies with the provisions of the U.S. Copyright Law (17 U.S.C.) and its amendments. The Library supports the Fair Use section which authorizes and protects citizens’ rights to reproduce copyrighted works for teaching, scholarship and research.