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  • Viking Open Educational Resource Research Guide: OER Repositories

    OER Repositories

    Open Educational Resource repositories listed here cover a wide variety of educational disciplines.   

    • OER Commons ( Curating best in class learning materials from around the world since 2007.  The OER Commons is a single search source that pulls from multiple OER collections, including MERLOT and Connexions.  It is a great first step in an OER search, but often more results can be found by searching the specific collection.  
      • Users can create collections of existing content and create their own content pages to share.
      • The OER Commons is a supported by ISKME (the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education).
    • OpenStax (formerly Connexions) ( includes lectures, assignments, and written educational materials.  Content can be created in the Connexions interface and housed within the Connections servers.  Users can create collections of existing content and create their own content pages to share. 
    • Open OregonOpen Oregon Educational Resources promotes textbook affordability for community college and university students, and facilitates widespread adoption of open, low-cost, high-quality materials. Link leads to a table listing Oregon community college instructors who are using reduced or zero cost  textbooks in their courses. 

    • Teaching Commons:  
      "The Teaching Commons brings together high-quality open educational resources from leading colleges and universities. Curated by librarians and their institutions, the Teaching Commons includes open access textbooks, course materials, lesson plans, multimedia, and more."

    • MERLOT ( is a free and open peer reviewed collection of online teaching and learning materials and faculty-developed services contributed and used by an international education community. MERLOT was opened in 1997 and is supported by the California State University System.  
      • MERLOT does not house content, but is a collection of links to other content.  The materials can be ranked and many are peer-reviewed.  There are discipline specific Communities that curate and review the content.  
      • You can create and share personal collections of content links.
    • OpenWashington - (  is a site designed to help you understand the OER movement and find OER.  They have links for finding textbooks, content, images and video, as well as stories from faculty who have adopted OER in their classrooms.  
    • is a non-profit organization sponsored by the Saylor Foundation, they are focused on bringing "freely available education to all."  Founded in 1999 by Michael Saylor, they have created online courses curated from open content found on the Web.  The courses are marketed toward students who just want to learn, and are working on some methods for offering credentials. For faculty, Saylor is a great site to start your search for OER by subject.  
      • does not house content, but link to outside resources.
      • Lists of the Academic Consultants by subject area are available.
      • They also have a collection of open textbooks.
    • Digital Public Library of America​ - "The Digital Public Library of America brings together the riches of America’s libraries, archives, and museums, and makes them freely available to the world. It strives to contain the full breadth of human expression, from the written word, to works of art and culture, to records of America’s heritage, to the efforts and data of science."
    • Europeana – is a gateway to European cultural assets, through this one site you can search for artworks, cultural items, archival collections from participating institutions all around Europe.  This site is a gateway, and once you have selected the items you want you will be redirected to the website of the institution that owns the item, and often these sites will not have English translations.  To find an item with the Creative Commons licensing you prefer - 
    1. Once you type in your initial search on the main page, you will have a list of filters on the left hand side of the page
    2. Use the "Can I use it?" and "By Copyright" filters to narrow down your results
    • Canadiana - is a coalition of members dedicated to providing broad access to Canada's documentary heritage. Through our membership alliance, Canadian libraries share tools and capacity, partner on open-source projects, and spearhead digital preservation in Canada.