According to Scott McCloud, Comics (kom'iks) n. plural in form, used with a singular verb. Juxtaposed pictorial and other images in deliberate sequence, intended to convey information and/or produce an aesthetic response in the viewer.
Comics are a medium not a genre.
Comics are visual storytelling. They can be solely illustrated without text or include both illustrations and text. Comics include a sequence of panel images. When text is included, text appears in thought bubbles, speech balloons, captions, sound effects and more.
Comics can be works of fiction or non-fiction.
Fiction refers to stories or literature that is created from the author's imagination. Examples of fiction include: science fiction, mystery, romance, urban fiction, fantasy, and more.
Non-fiction comics are becoming increasingly popular. Examples of nonfiction include: autobiographies, biographies, memoirs, history, science, medicine and more.
Anime - Anime (アニメ) is a Japanese term for hand-drawn or computer animation. The word is the abbreviation of the word "animation" in Japanese. Anime is used to reference all animation.
Comic Books - are printed books serial publications. They are typically published in sequence. Originally, comic books consisted of comic strip reprints. In the late 1930s comic books were published with original content.
Comic Strips - refers to the type of comic traditionally viewed in American newspapers, such as Peanuts, The Family Circus, Calvin & Hobbes, Garfield and many more. Comic strips typically appeared in single or double-strips and were very short.
Graphic Novels - are typically published in single volumes. Graphic novels content ranges from fictitious stories to medical narratives to book adaptations. In comparison to comic books, graphic novels are lengthier.
Manga - In Japanese, Manga (漫画) refers to all cartoons and comics. In the U.S. and other English speaking book markets, Manga is a style of Japanese comics. Manga are serial publications. They are typically published in sequence. They are written in the traditional East-Asian style with story read from right to left, starting from the back of the book and ending at the front of the book.
Webcomics - are comics created and published online.
Zines - are self-published, short, small folded magazine style books. Zines are mostly handwritten and illustrated. Zines are typically photocopied for distribution. The content of zines is unlimited. Many libraries have added zines to their collections for circulation.